Microsoft has unveiled a new cybersecurity project in a blog post that would allow small and large organizations to leverage the tech giant’s in-house security services and staff.

The program, named Microsoft Security Experts, would provide security services over three platforms.

Microsoft shared some data to demonstrate how serious the situation has become in terms of digital security. In 2011, the cost of cybercrime was $3 trillion, but by 2021, that figure will have doubled to $6 trillion. That sum is expected to increase to $10.5 trillion every year by 2025.

Microsoft Security prevented approximately 9.6 billion malware threats in 2021 alone, in addition to detecting and blocking upwards of 35.7 billion phishing and other dangerous emails, according to the company.

The repercussions of attacks that eluded security and mitigation mechanisms have been disastrous. In 2021, almost $7 billion was taken from individuals as a result of different cybercrimes, including malware and phishing scams.

Moreover, Microsoft Security is actively monitoring over 35 ransomware attacks. In addition, the software monitors 250 distinct threat actors “across observed nation-state, ransomware, and criminal activity.”

Microsoft’s technology allows it to block over 900 brute force password theft attempts per second, so be sure your passwords are strong.

The significance of appropriate password security methods should not be underestimated. Some of the world’s greatest organizations have lately been hacked merely because of weak passwords.

However, Microsoft emphasized that technology alone will not be able to address the problem of cybercrime without support.

“While technology is important, it is the combination of cutting-edge technologies, comprehensive threat intelligence, and highly skilled people that makes the difference.”

A Skilled Privilege

The blog post mentions an interesting statistic: there are currently nearly one third of security vacancies in the United States alone. As a result of this situation and the lack of the human resources needed to fill the positions in question, 287 days of “armed” violations were detected.

Microsoft acknowledges that, while talent may be readily available, “high-skilled expertise” remains a challenge in general.

Thus, technology companies are responding to this situation by expanding their existing service capacity through Microsoft security experts.

The three new security services your businesses can use

While Microsoft defence experts are responsible for hunting for businesses or clients that already have advanced security systems, further assistance is needed to actively monitor and address threats to Microsoft defence data (including endpoints), office 365, cloud applications and identity. Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR is designed to help customers strengthen and enlarge their security operations center. Microsoft Security Services for Enterprise is reserved for businesses that want more comprehensive and high-touch managed services from Microsoft experts.

Microsoft has previously paid attention to the lack of interest in cybersecurity: it pointed out that there will be 35 million cybersecurity vacancies by 2025.

As part of our efforts, we hope to “stop the disagreements in the profession” by expanding our Cyber Security Skills Campaign to another 23 countries.

Overall, hacking will slowly reach a new height.

For example, cybercriminals found a way to target the power supply of their PCs and handle it to cause fire in their homes.

By leaving this dangerous scenario, a Google-published study identified zero-day users as “one of the most advanced methods of attack” and last year recorded the number of attempts against top technology companies including Apple, Microsoft, and Google itself.

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